The files with .MSC extension are “consoles” or “programs” which are used to configure certain aspects of Windows. They are very useful and there are many.
Below is the list of commands that open the different consoles in Windows. Some consoles are only available on Windows Server and only in some versions.
The default location of .msc files is Windows\System32.
You can run any of the files with the shortcut Windows-R, typing the msc file name and extension, and hitting the Enter-key on the keyboard. Ex: perfmon.msc
List of any Windows MMC files
.MSC file | Console | Description |
azman.msc | Authorization Manager | Manage Authorization Stores |
certlm.msc | Certificates Local Computer | Loads the list of certificates of the local computer. |
certmgr.msc | Certificates | Loads the list of certificates of the user |
comexp.msc | Component Services | Loads Component Services, Event Viewer, and Services. |
compmgmt.msc | Computer Management | Includes System Tools (Task Scheduler, Event Viewer, Shared Folders, Local Users and Groups, Performance and Device Manager), Storage (Disk Management), and Services and Applications (Services and WMI Control) |
devmgmt.msc | Device Manager | Opens the Device Manager to manage hardware and devices. |
devmoderunasuserconfig.msc | User Manager | Complete customization of the start menu items and the taskbar. |
diskmgmt.msc | Disk Management | Opens Disk Management to administrate connected storage devices. |
eventvwr.msc | Event Viewer | Opens the Event Viewer which displays operating system, software, and hardware events. |
fsmgmt.msc | Shared Folders | Loads the list of shared folders, sessions, and open files |
gpedit.msc | Group Policy Editor | Loads the Group Policy Editor to manage system policies |
lusrmgr.msc | Local Users and Groups | Interface to manage local users and user groups. |
perfmon.msc | Performance Monitor | Loads the Windows Performance Monitor |
printmanagement.msc | Print Management | Manage printers. |
rsop.msc | Resultant Set of Policies | List policies, full results only available through command line tool gpresult |
secpol.msc | Local Security Policy | Loads policies such as account policies, public key policies, or advanced audit policy configuration |
services.msc | Services Manager | Loads the list of installed services to manage them. |
taskschd.msc | Task Scheduler | Loads the Task Scheduler to manage tasks |
tpm.msc | Trusted Platform Module Management | Manage the TPM on the local device. |
wf.msc | Windows Firewall | Starts Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. |
wmimgmt.msc | WMI Management | Configure and Control the Windows Management Instrumentation Service. |
List of Windows Server MMC Files
.MSC file | Description |
adfs.msc | Active Directory Federation Services |
AdRmsAdmin.msc | Active Directory Rights Management Services |
adsiedit.msc | ADSI Edit |
certim.msc | Local Computer Certificates |
certsrv.msc | Certification Authority |
certtmpl.msc | Certification Templates |
ciadv.msc | Indexing Service |
cluadmin.msc | Failover Cluster Manager |
da6to4.msc | Network Interfaces Performance Monitor |
daihttps.msc | HTTPS Traffic Performance Monitor |
daipsecdos.msc | IPSec Performance Monitor |
daisatapmsc | ISATAP Performance Monitor |
dfsmgmt.msc | DFS Management |
dhcpmgmt.msc | DHCP Management |
dnsmgmt.msc | DNS Manager |
domain.msc | Active Directory Domains and Trust |
dsa.msc | Active Directory Users and Computers. |
dssite.msc | Active Directory Sites and Services |
fsrm.msc | File Server Resource Manager |
fxsadmin.msc | Microsoft Fax Service Manager |
gpmc.msc | Group Policy Management |
gpme.msc | Group Policy Mangement Editor |
gptedit.msc | Group Policy Starter GPO Editor |
hcscfg.msc | Health Registration Authority |
idmumgmt.msc | Microsoft Identity Management for Unix |
iis.msc | Internet Information Services Manager |
iis6.msc | Internet Information Services Manager 6.0 |
lsdiag.msc | RD Licensing Diagnoser |
napclcfg.msc | NAP Client Configuration |
mfsmgmt.msc | Services for Network File System |
nps.msc | Network Policy Server |
ocsp.msc | Online Responder |
pkiview.msc | Enterprise PKI |
remoteprograms.msc | RemoteApp Manager |
rrasmgmt.msc | Routing and Remote Access |
sanmmc.msc | Storage Manager for SANs |
sbmgr.msc | Remote Desktop Connection Manager |
scanmanagement.msc | Scan Management |
servermanager.msc | Server Manager |
storagemgmt.msc | Share and Storage Management |
storexpl.msc | Storage Explorer |
tapimgmt.msc | Telephony |
tsadmin.msc | Remote Desktop Services Manager |
tsconfig.msc | Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration |
tsgateway.msc | RD Gateway Manager |
tsmmc.msc | Remote Desktops |
virtmgmt.msc | Hyper-V Manager |
wbadmin.msc | Windows Server Backup |
Wdsmgmt-msc | Windows Deployment Services |
winsmgmt.msc | WINS |
wbiadmin.msc | Windows Server Backup |
wsrm.msc | Windows System Resource Manager |
wsus.msc | Update Services |